Sunday, April 19, 2009

Darned pollen...

I had quite a productive weekend yet I can't help but feel that all I did was blow my nose all day. I love Spring and I love flowers but can't they reproduce in a less eye-watering, irritating way? I have a film of yellow pollen on my car. Poo. It was quite beautiful this weekend, but unfortunately allergies left me to retreat to the confines of my home. At least I got a leg up on some Spring cleaning...and napping :) Lastly, I finished off the rest of the Easter eggs and made some egg salad. I used a similar recipe to this one, except I used chopped onions instead of onion flakes and added 1/2 - 1/4 tsp. paprika. Hope everyone had a good weekend...I'm off to take another batch of allergy medicine :P


cuteseas said...

mm paprika :)

i hope you feel better!

Linda said...

It appears to be allergy season everywhere. I live in the SF Bay Area and both my hubby and I have been stricken with itchy eyes and runny noses as well. We are holding back from super medicating ourselves, but now I'm getting tempted to get a prescription.

love said...

sorry allergies do suck and its harder to enjoy the beautiful flowers when your high on drugs.

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