Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A bittersweet mood.

Bittersweet chocolate is my mood today, emphasis on the bitter. A bitter mood. I've got a lot of baking on my mind and I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little Verklempt. I have this great idea of how I want the bake sale to go, but then of course it takes resources, like extra money and extra time, both of which I do not have. I've been having sleep issues and on top of that I have 2 major events that I am volunteering for this summer. Luckily, one of them, the bake sale is this weekend so once that is over I get to cross it off the list. Unfortunately, that means I only have a few weeks to get the other done.

The Great All American Bake Sale is this coming weekend, just in time for the 4th of July weekend. I pray for good weather, a great turn out, and for none of our baked goods to melt.  Then starting July 17 is my church's Vacation Bible School, where I am heading up all the decorations this year. Which is def a task in its own. I basically have to build a small town in our church. So a lot going on in one month. I will be relaxing when July is over for sure.

Baking Betties All American Bake Sale
at Haygood United Methodist Church and Flea Market
July 2, 2011 bright and early at 6:30am-1:30pm

Haygood UMC
Vacation Bible School
Inside Out & Upside Down on Main Street
July 17-21, 2011

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