Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lovely things...

As promised, I wanted to share the Valentine's goodies the boyfriend and I got. For him I got two things that were on his Kaboodle list. (Kaboodles are amazing btw. If you don't have one, go get one. It takes all the guess work out of gift buying. Check out mine...they are pretty addicting). So, I got him the latest Rise Against CD: Appeal to Reason and Season 1 of the Flight of the Conchords. Along with some dress socks, white tees and bball shorts. You know essentials that every boy needs but never buys :P

From him, he got me my favorite food combination of fruit and chocolate from Edible Arrangements. They make crazy amazing fruit arrangements but I usually just request the assortment of fruit dipped in the yummiest dark chocolate. Pictured here are chocolate dipped strawberries, green apples, and orange slices. Uhhhh...apples are my most favorite in the world. I love them with cheese, but chocolate is definitely the champ. A box of fresh fruit dipped in chocolate beats those run of the mill candy-heart boxes and day. Plus its more nutritious for you! So you can eat the whole box and not feel as bad :P

I got a wonderful bouquet of Tulips (also my fave) and two new DS games for my newly inherited DS, Animal Crossing & Crosswords (I love Crossword puzzles). Its inherited because it used to belong to the boyfriend but I started playing it while he would play his PS3. I realize him "giving" me his DS out of thoughtfulness was all a ruse so he didn't feel guilty while he played his PS3 for hours...boys :P

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